Kristy Bedell, CNM
Hi, I am Kristy Bedell. I am a Certified Nurse Midwife and a childbirth educator.
“Your body, your birth, your way.” I believe it, practice it, and educate about it.
My journey started as a labor and delivery nurse in 1993. I loved bedside nursing and labor support. One day in the fall of 1996, I started receiving applications for midwifery schools in the mail. Where did they come from? I was so confused until I learned that a doctor I worked with on L&D called midwifery schools and arranged to have a few applications sent to me…. yes it was the era of snail mail. He thought it was my calling, and soon, I thought so too.​
I moved myself and my dog to a new town, Atlanta Georgia, to attend the Emory University Midwifery program. Midwifery is definitely my calling. I love what I do and I love sharing my knowledge to empower couples to make safe, educated choices in their births.
In the over 20 years of being a midwife, I have learned a lot. What I love most about being a CNM is seeing the happiness and pride in a mom’s face when she gives birth. Whether that is with an epidural or without, cesarean or vaginal, it’s such an honor to share those memories with these wonderful couples. Having delivered a few thousand babies by this point (I wish I had kept a delivery log, my biggest midwifery regret), I feel the largest gaps in care are in education.
During prenatal visits, a few questions are answered but many are left still trying to teach themselves or just don’t know what to ask. I am here to fill in the gaps to educate and empower you to make the healthiest decisions for you and your baby.